Funny you should pick the "easiest" word of the ones I suggested you needed to define. But I can work with that.
For instance, Adam Smith and Karl Marx had very different conceptualization of "produce". If you really want to understand things, you need to go deeper than just what a dictionary and shared language provides.
How about "value", though; that was another word I wrote that you needed to define. That one's a lot harder, even for people within a single culture. Moral value? Economic value? Productive value? Psychological value? Evolutionary value? If you're not willing to be precise enough, then your readers who have a different notion of "value" than you do will just think you're full of it. And those who share your conception of value will think you're great. And you'll be responsible for increasing the friction between those two groups. It's a systems thing.
So if you're honestly trying to make a case for something, it pays to be willing to define your terms in ways that everyone can accept at least within the scope of the argument you're making.